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Crucible Zero


  Infinity Bell

  “Grit and adrenaline drive the action-filled, romance-tinged second novel in Monk’s House Immortal SF/fantasy series. . . . Continuous action makes for a roller-coaster effect as the myriad twists and turns of politics and time travel slam together. Each sentence is crafted for maximum impact with exquisite storytelling and relatable, emotional characters.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  House Immortal

  “Like Monk’s Allie Beckstrom, Matilda has the misfortune to be sought after by powerful immoral men; she has been dealt a no-win hand, and the entertainment is in watching how she plays it out.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “I love Devon Monk’s books. There is something about each story that sucks the reader in completely and doesn’t let go . . . an excellent story. Devon Monk is incredible at weaving a tale that makes the reader excited, crazy, and astonished all at the same time.”

  —Fiction Vixen

  “Original and intriguing . . . [a] kick-ass heroine, powerful, near-immortal beings, fun sidekicks, and [an] original world.”

  —All Things Urban Fantasy

  “I didn’t want to stop reading. House Immortal kept my interest every second.”

  —Yummy Men & Kick Ass Chicks

  “A fresh and unique world. . . . Devon Monk once again proves she’s a powerhouse in the genre.”

  —A Book Obsession

  “House Immortal brings Frankenstein into a new world, and Devon Monk puts it together excellently!”

  —Drey’s Library

  “[Tilly] is exactly the type of heroine I enjoy reading about: She’s intelligent, independent, compassionate, and totally kick-ass . . . definitely one of my favorite reads this year.”

  —Short & Sweet Reviews

  “Monk has a way with putting a unique twist on a story . . . absolutely wonderful.”

  —Bookworm Blues

  “Monk has a way to create worlds that feel like our reality mixed with a kick of fantasy.”

  —Seeing Night Book Reviews

  “A unique, new series with intriguing characters, a power-hungry villain, and an original well-built world.”

  —Urban Fantasy Investigations

  “Interesting, well-developed characters, a kick-ass plot with more twists and turns than you can even guess, and incredible world building . . . House Immortal is the start of what looks to be a fantastic series.”

  —Book Briefs

  “I absolutely love the homage to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. . . . Devon Monk has crafted a fine beginning to a new series with House Immortal.”

  —Vampire Book Club

  “A dystopian book like you’ve never seen before . . . amazing and brilliant . . . House Immortal might just end up being one of my favorite novels of 2014.”

  —Team Tynga’s Reviews

  “Extraordinary. . . . The unique House Immortal delivers on multiple levels.”

  —Bitten by Books


  “A must-read.”

  —New York Times bestselling author Keri Arthur

  “The action is superb, the stakes are sky-high, and the passion runs wild. . . . Devon Monk rocks—her unique setting and powerful characters aren’t to be missed!”

  —New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews

  “Beautifully written and brilliantly imagined.”

  —New York Times bestselling author Rachel Vincent

  “Action and romance combine with a deft precision that will keep readers turning pages—and anxiously awaiting the next volume.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “Monk flawlessly blends fantasy, steampunk, and Western in this fantastic series.”


  “An exhilarating adventure-thriller that grips the audience.”

  —Genre Go Round Reviews

  “Monk’s entrance into steampunk is a tour de force.”

  —RT Book Reviews (top pick)


  “Loved it. Fiendishly original and a stay-up-all-night read. We’re going to be hearing a lot more of Devon Monk.”

  —#1 New York Times bestselling author Patricia Briggs

  “Gritty setting, compelling, fully realized characters, and a frightening system of magic-with-a-price that left me awed. Devon Monk’s writing is addictive.”

  —New York Times bestselling author Rachel Vincent

  “Highly original and compulsively readable.”

  —Jenna Black, author of Resistance

  “Breathtaking. . . . Monk is a storyteller extraordinaire!”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “Urban fantasy at its finest. . . . Every book is packed with action, adventure, humor, battles, romance, drama, and suspense.”

  —Sacramento Book Review

  “Dark and delicious. . . . Allie is one of urban fantasy’s most entertaining heroines.”

  —Publishers Weekly (starred review)


  The House Immortal Series

  House Immortal

  Infinity Bell

  Crucible Zero

  The Broken Magic Series

  Hell Bent

  Stone Cold

  The Allie Beckstrom Series

  Magic to the Bone

  Magic in the Blood

  Magic in the Shadows

  Magic on the Storm

  Magic at the Gate

  Magic on the Hunt

  Magic on the Line

  Magic Without Mercy

  Magic for a Price

  The Age of Steam

  Dead Iron

  Tin Swift

  Cold Copper


  Published by New American Library,

  an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC

  375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014

  This book is an original publication of New American Library.

  First Printing, September 2015

  Copyright © Devon Monk, 2015

  Penguin Random House supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin Random House to continue to publish books for every reader.

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  ISBN 978-0-698-14024-0


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  For my family


  This book wouldn’t be nearly as shiny and strong without the excellent guidance from my editor, Anne Sowards. My gratitude to her, and all the many talented, hardworking people at Penguin who helped bring this book to fruition, knows no bounds. Thank you also and always to my agent, Miriam Kriss. To the wonderful artist Eric Williams—thank you for bringing Matilda to life and for giving her that great jacket.

  An especially big thank-you to my won
derful first reader, Dean Woods, who not only helped me navigate the logic holes inherent in adding a component of time travel to a story, but also read through many, many drafts of the trilogy as a whole. Thank you also to Dejsha Knight, first reader and best friend extraordinaire, for all your support along the way. To my big, fabulous family—I love you. Thank you for sharing in the fun with me. And to my husband, Russ, and my sons, Kameron and Konner, thank you for being such great people. You are the best part of my life. I love you all dearly.

  Finally, and most importantly, thank you, dear readers, for letting me share this twisty-turny adventure with you. I hope you have enjoyed this world, these people, and their stories.



  Books by Devon Monk

  Title Page




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  I’m not one to write my thoughts down. But the doctors say a journal is good for my mental state. So from this ruined and dying body, I cast my hello. If you’re out there, Matilda, I’ll find you.


  “This is a bad idea, Evelyn. A bad idea.” My brother, Quinten Case, paced the dirt patch just outside our farmhouse door, one hand stuck stiff-fingered in his dark, curled hair. His other hand kept drifting toward the gun holstered on his thigh, while his gaze flicked constantly toward the kitchen window. The flannel shirt and work boots he wore didn’t disguise who I knew he really was: a restless genius and a brilliant stitcher of living things.

  I should know. After all, I was one of the living things he’d stitched together.

  “Matilda,” I corrected him gently. I was sitting on the top edge of a rain barrel, thunking my bootheels absently against the hollow side of it, and wondering what else about my farm and my world had changed since the Wings of Mercury experiment had broken and then mended time. “I’m not Evelyn anymore, Quinten.”

  He pulled his fingers out of his hair and waved impatiently at me. I guess he was still trying to get used to the changes in his world too.

  I understood why he was calling me Evelyn.

  I was born his sister, and named Matilda Case. But when I was a little girl, I’d become deathly ill. Quinten and his genius mind had found a way to transfer my thoughts, my personality, my mind into the comatose body of a girl named Evelyn. A girl who had been asleep for more than three hundred years.

  He stitched everything that made me me into her. It had been a desperate, risky thing to try. But he had succeeded. In my world, in my time, I’d woken up in her body as Matilda, and lived until I was twenty-six.

  That was when we’d done something even more desperate: Quinten had sent me back in time to change the Wings of Mercury experiment. We didn’t have much choice, really. If I hadn’t gone back in time, billions of people would have died.

  That was how I remembered it. That was what had happened in my time.

  But in this world, in this time line, Evelyn had been the one who had woken up when my brother had tried to transfer my mind into her body.

  She’d lived until today, just a few minutes ago when I’d found myself standing in the kitchen. I’d felt Evelyn in my mind with me for a moment. Then she had lifted, all her memories and thoughts fading like smoke on the wind.

  My going back in time was supposed to save the world. And it had.

  But it had also changed it in massive, chaotic ways.

  So far, I’d been told there was a war going on between the Houses who ruled the resources in the world. House Brown, or House Earth, as Quinten had told me it was referred to now, was the house that used to be made up of a loosely connected network of people, each living on their own piece of land. Those people had rejected servitude to the other Houses to live free, and were now living in several walled strongholds scattered across the world.

  Another huge change I was still trying to wrap my mind around was that the galvanized, people like me who had survived the original Wings of Mercury experiment and whose brains and bodies were more than three hundred years old and stitched, were some kind of wanted criminals.

  Back in my time, the galvanized had done a lot of good for the world, and for people and human rights.

  “You have a price on your head,” Quinten said, back to pulling at his hair again. “They—those killers in our kitchen—shouldn’t even be here.”

  “I know.” In my time, I’d had a price on my head too. That, unfortunately, hadn’t changed. One of these days I’d figure out how to avoid such trouble in my life.

  “How can that even be possible?” he demanded. “No one, except Neds and Grandma, knows you exist.”

  “Someone knows,” I said, waiting for him to turn and start pacing back the other way.

  “No. You can’t be a wanted criminal if no one knows you’re alive.”

  “I take it you registered my death when I was young?” It was a weird thing to ask, but, then, I’d led a weird life.

  He nodded, his palm resting on the top of his head so his elbow jutted out. “We never registered Evelyn as alive, since she wasn’t technically or medically supposed to be alive. She was just a forgotten medical experiment Dad got his hands on before things really went to hell. There is no Matilda Case alive on record.”

  “Still, you couldn’t have kept Evelyn in the basement all her life,” I said, hoping to lighten things up a bit. “We must have neighbors or friends who saw her and maybe thought she was me.”

  “Yes, we have friends. But they think Matilda died. And we told them Evelyn was a child our parents took in after the One-three plague killed her parents.”

  “One-three plague?”

  He stopped, lowering his hand finally. Stared at me, his eyes flicking across my face as if looking for a lie there. “It’s . . . eerie,” he said. “Knowing you’re not you.”

  “I am me,” I said softly. “I’m just not her.”

  He nodded, and sorrow darkened his eyes. “For the past fifty years, we’ve had a plague hit each decade. One-three spread widely enough, it wiped out millions.”

  “Oh,” I said. “Oh.” There had been no widespread plague in my time. I was still reeling with the changes of this world, and I knew Quinten had his own things to get his brain around.

  But in my time, Quinten had died from a terrible explosion. We had been hunted by the Houses who chased us to our farmhouse. The House soldiers had killed Quinten; our farmhand, Neds Harris; and the galvanized Abraham and Foster. They’d killed the others who had helped us too—Welton, who was head of House Yellow, and House Brown’s doctor, Gloria.

  Even though this news of plague wasn’t exactly welcome, so far I preferred this time and this world, in which my brother and the people I loved were alive.

  Whatever else was wrong here, we’d make right. This was the only world left to us. That time-travel trick had been a one-shot deal.

  “Could it be the stitching?” I asked. “If someone had seen my stitching, they’d know I was galvanized, right? And galvanized are . . . criminals?”

  He pulled up the sleeve of his flannel, his eyes locked on mine.

  I glanced down at his tanned forearm. Muscular, a few lines of scars that had healed too white against his tanned skin. A ro
w of neat, small stitches ran at an angle below his elbow.

  Everything in me chilled.

  “Everyone is stitched, Ev— Matilda,” he said. “At most times, anyway.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off that tidy row of thin gray thread piercing my brother’s arm. “Why?”

  “The One-one plague made healing slower and more difficult. Things go necrotic more often than not. Especially open wounds. If you want a cut to heal, you need to stitch and keep it as clean as possible.”

  “So those stitches aren’t permanent?”

  He shook his head and rolled his sleeve back down. “I’ll take them out at the end of the month if everything looks okay.”

  “Are mine permanent?” I asked, a small hope catching in my heart.

  “Yes. You are galvanized. But since nearly everyone goes around with stitches, spotting a galvanized isn’t easy. And no one I know thinks you are a galvanized.”

  “So people just assume I’m recovering from injuries,” I said.

  He nodded. “You— I mean, Evelyn keeps her stitches covered when anyone from House Earth stops by.”

  “I thought you said no one knew I was alive.”

  “No one except the people in House Earth whom I trust implicitly. Well, and the Grubens.”

  I shook my head. “The what?”

  “Family down a ways. Closest we Cases have to relatives. They’re an . . . energetic bunch, but loyal to the grave.”

  “So stitches aren’t rare, and my being galvanized isn’t why someone wants me dead. That’s different.”

  “Are the galvanized the only stitched where— I mean, when you came from?” he asked.

  “Yes. Twelve of them, plus me. They were owned by the Houses. They were celebrities, in a way. World changers. Heroes. They did a lot of good, Quinten. We did a lot of good. I knew Abraham. I knew Foster.” I pointed toward our house, where both Abraham and Foster were drinking tea at our kitchen table, probably at gunpoint. “We trusted them then with our lives, and they died trying to protect us.”

  “What’s your point, Ev?” he asked.

  “Matilda,” I said. “We should trust them now.”